Bromons being connected to the account instead of the device

so if you sign in on a different computer it should sync on both

Good idea, but how is Sweezy going to code that?

idk man :skull_and_crossbones:

Sweezy could link bro-mon to the website

That is a GREAT idea!

awesome, hard to code that, but I think that could go through


You could add like an export link. There could be an export button and it auto copies a link which you can then paste and send to yourself to keep it safe. So when you switch to a different computer there should be a spot where you can paste the link to import all your data from the other device and keep all your bro mon. If you switch emails(for some reason) you can also still move your bro mon to the new account too. As long as you keep the link somewhere you wont lose all your progress.