Bye Bro-mon and community!

Bye, guys! I might come back but idk :slight_smile:. My new school is starting soon and I will focus on school work. But who knows! Thanks to @sweezy for making bro-mon @kool_kid164 for being a good friend and everyone in my class (@mochi_cloudz @wtfart86 and @rxinyrxses etc) The community has been so kind! Even @daniel_chen! (but not @Gayaxolotl I mean @Jayaxolotl ) This has been all I have been doing at home and in class! XD! This is my final goodbye, Bye sweezy @soccersurf21 out!

Messi is still better you ronaldo fans

my last request is to make this the most voted @sweezy so everyone vote

bye bye cadie

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buh bai

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Goodbye! I believe in you!

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good bye and good luck! have fun (if school is fun)

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good luck you will be remembered @soccersurf21


Hey @soccersurf21,

First off, thanks for being such an awesome part of the Sweezy Community and Bro-Mon gang! Your enthusiasm and support have meant a lot to all of us. We totally get that school is super important, and we’re cheering you on as you start this new chapter.

We’ll definitely miss your energy and humor. And about Messi vs. Ronaldo – the debate continues! :smile:

Good luck with school, and remember, the Sweezy Community will always welcome you back with open arms!

Take care and see you around!


@sweezy !!! go check out my foodie myth idea, NOW, i need that instead of brrblaze


sorry for roasting you

Its ok I forgive you am sorry to ): @soccersurf21

these are the moments I consider the action myself

bye bro hope u have a good time

@sweezy pls…pls let me be master

wait i want to be master as well @sweezy !

me too!

bye :sob: