Calamander New Idea!

Welcome to another idea!
Name: Calamander
Idea: an online calander fused with a salamander
Types: Cybrrr
Rarity: Epic, Rare, or uncommon
Catchphrase: " The Years On Me!
Description: Calamander was born when the inventive minds behind the creation of the internet didn’t know the time! They formed this little critter, and he’ll hold all your dates, be careful though. He bites! Idea by @Catstrophe


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Fits perfectly in the bromon franchize

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Noice @sweezy has sooooo many bro mon to add

Tell me about it.

And imagine if (in the future when @Sweezy adds so many bromon) you just start playing and you have to catch around 90-110 bromon.

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I want to see it in the game…

The topic has been revived

I found this while finding something special


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