March 1, 2025, 11:06pm
This was my most popular topic ever and it got taken down for no reason. Can someone please make it open today? I don’t know why someone closed it for.
Ok, there are alot of types in Bromon but they don’t actually change anything! In this topic, I will talk about on how each Type should have a unique ability that can be activated once per battle and will take up your turn! The higher the rarity, the better the ability is! @sweezy
Aesthetix✨ - Your Bromon has 3 Buffs activated at once of your choice!
Browsarrr🧭- Stops your oppenents backpack items and enhances your ATK damage!
Cosmix🌌- Boosts all of your stats (including DEF) for 1 round!
what is it with all the hi…s i’m just curious
March 2, 2025, 7:06am
Only leaders, moderators and administrators can
March 2, 2025, 7:23pm
idk i think they want a new trust level or something so they just go around spreading meaningless messages