Categories Game

Play Categories~~The current category is Candy. Everyone name different candies but here are the rules/requirements. If you break a rule, you are eliminated. If you are eliminated, you cannot post items in the category anymore, but feel free to chill! (but stick around for a Revive!).

  1. You cannot name a repeat
  2. You cannot post two items of a category in a row, you need to wait for someone else to post before posting again.
  3. You cannot have a pattern post (ex. User A posts, User B posts, again and again in this same pattern. It is called a pattern when the combination happens three times)

Otherwise, be as creative as you want!
OK, PowerUp Time! There will be a secret word in the category thought of each week, and one hint will be given on it. If someone guesses that word, that person gets a PowerUp to use whenever they want, regardless of there state of Eliminated or Not. PowerUps will be like, Revive, 1 Repeat, Topic Change, etc.

The game ends officially when there are 10 people eliminated.

what do you mean two posts the max limit is 3 to reply

so I have to say a candy?


so do I say like Snickers?

You can just say snickers

aight I did already


Cool…I dont understand the rules?

say a candy I think

this i think

we dont need to worry about powerup

I actually dont understand

well say a candy for now any candy




@Tutube rules are

  1. No stealing others candy which means cant copy someone answer
  2. You have to a 2 reply Limit
  3. You cant have a pattern post like User A posts User B posts again again in this same pattern is called a pattern when the combination happens three times)

I’m still confused
