Classmates - The Classroom glitch

The Google Classroom logo with the three little white characters inside of it. After a classroom got overfilled with students, it glitched and the logo came to life, shutting down classrooms and shortening deadlines. This Bro-mon is an absolute pain and you may sometimes spot it, deleting forms, sheets and your classrooms.

Maybe You Can Do This

Name: Classmates?
Type: Webby or Browsarr
Desc: The Google Classroom logo with the three little white characters inside of it. After a classroom got overfilled with students, it glitched and the logo came to life, shutting down classrooms and shortening deadlines. This Bro-mon is an absolute pain and you may sometimes spot it, deleting forms, sheets and your classrooms.

this is a Bromon idea right?

Bro Shut up dumbass

god bro


sad that ITakeCopiums topic did’nt last long


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