Community enhancement idea

i want a new channel called art corner and its category is creative corner
this is a chat channel where people talk about art
if you add this @sweezy thank you!

Thats cool

should I add?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

how about Maybe?

can I add a maybe Catstrophe?

I would like to choose “Yes…” not “Yes”

its gonna get smaller each time

General: the goat

Bro-mon :The Little popular channel and uhh

Art Corner: :headstone:


I think two chats is okay, becuase if this get added, probably nobody will use for the original reason just like the bro-mon one. The general you talk about random things and bro-mon you can also use for talk about art… Art inspired on bro-mon!
So I think we should keep only 2 chats. We already have the Creative Corner category!