Dustbunny NEW Bromon idea!

Name: Dustbunny
Type: Oddballz
Crush: common
Catchphrase: Keep it or sweep it!
Description: One of the many dustbunnies living on a very dusty cupboard, they are never picky. Living on bookshelves to unused bicycles, they’re everywhere. But it’s your choice if you want to keep them or not.

Cool idea

thx! I dreamt about it last night! lol

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But great idea!

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ty for voting @Mrlizard

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tell you more about what?

Your dream
So how do you feel about it?

I dont dream

I’m from jupiter. My real name is Ꝋ፪𐌋ጎ𐌋ቹ𐌕ጎꝊክ.

Interesting and mine is
… … – … .- – …- .-. .- …

It started when my mom told me to clean the dust off all the furniture, then I realized the dust are all dustbunnies. Then, they merged and ate me.

How I think about my dream: It was quite random, but it gave me a new bro mon idea, so I guess it’s worth it?

tysm for voting everyone!

This is Good! Vote Granted!

its really cute

tysm! I dreamt about it last night

[quote=“PIXEL, post:14, topic:9301, full:true”]
It started when my mom told me to clean the dust off all the furniture, then I realized the dust are all dustbunnies. Then, they merged and ate me.

How I think about my dream: It was quite random, but it gave me a new bro mon idea, so I guess it’s worth it?
