Emoji golem chat

pop a med kit!

snatches scepter back and shoots @AngelicWeapon


we goota fight

just let us have peace

yes so we wont fight

and have fun here!!


I grab a scyth oh I donā€™t think peace is the right term

yes we need peace because we are all weak and need time for a rest


Eh le paix?

But Iā€™m not weak mwahahahah!

I shot Andres

you donā€™t count

[quote=ā€œAngelicWeapon, post:957, topic:4011, full:trueā€]
Eh le paix?
[/quote] OuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui

WE NEED PEACE NOW!! the war is almost 1000 replies

pulls out flamethrower BURN BABY BURN

Mais non le paix nā€™est pas UNE choix

this is not peace