Emoji golem chat

I got a Glock in my rarity 17 shots on angelic weapon

Lebron kill angelic weapon you are my sunshine my only sunshine DUNK ON HIM!

I tap my foot

oh no

I grab throwing stars

ties @AngelicWeapon up you stay right here

who do you work for in english

grabs a RPG bye bye beta back to the lobby

What Is The LeBron James 'You Are My Sunshine' Meme ...

Shoots angelic weapon 8 times until they are unconsious

who do you work for angelic weopon

yeah who you work for

They work for John Cena BUM BUM BUMBUM

or none

why’s that important

so we can shut it down

i dont know

because we corned you and you need to tell us the turth

HA! non

John Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRushJohn Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRushJohn Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRushJohn Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRushJohn Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRushJohn Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRushJohn Cena: What Is the Backstory of the “You Can't See Me” Gesture? - The  SportsRush