Emoji golem should be mithical!

Bro like seriously emoji golem was the best epic, is the best legendary and should be the best new MITHICAL!!!

Well, I have an opinion about this, for me EmojiGolem is… Cool and just a little weird (just a little bit, they’re not saying anything bad), it’s a fun weird thing that makes it unique, ok! He was my first legendary in my second playthrough so I have nothing to complain about him.
Also post moved to Game Enhancement Ideas

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it’s a cool idea but I think sweezy would have made it mythical if he wanted to when he previously revamped it. I also think we have enough mythicals

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i know but I still think he sould and also pleeeeeeeease vote I just want to make a different in bro mon :sob:


I understand you, @sweezy has never accepted any of my bro-mon ideas yet, but if I keep begging it won’t do much good if they’ve already seen it, if they think it’s good they’ll respond or simply close the topic, if not they’ll just let it there. They will see your topic and come up with an opinion. I hope you get what you want (for me it really won’t make much difference but if it does for you then that’s fine with me :slight_smile: )

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also he already made him go to from epic to legendary :stuck_out_tongue:

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but at least vote


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YAAAAAAY my first vote thank u :slight_smile:


if you really want to make a difference in bro-mon, you shouldn’t beg as sophia already said. BUT if you want to make a difference maybe you should make an even cooler golem that might get added to bro-mon as a mythical

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true… But i am still 11 i im doing my homework

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well that’s ok, maybe I can make a golem and give credits to you?


YEEEEEEEEES it would be the BIIIIIIIIIIGIest favor anyone could do pleeeeeeease do it PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE

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haha sure I’ll try my best, it should be uploaded today or tomorrow if im not too busy!



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i just added u as DM if u want whenever text me :slight_smile: