Fix this Sweezy [FIXED]

Yea, read the content
I change my title

I hope @sweezy fix that bug

What is that bug?More information,please!

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I change my title and it’s happened

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Hmm…After see that you are in that place…I try to click save button without change anything but nothing happened.
And I also try to change to The Historian like you but nothing also.

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But it’s happened with me

Can you send a video about it so we can understand how did you do and after that what happen?

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I can’t open my pc


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Right now

But you can use phone

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No, I cant

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Yes,you do.

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Idk how to do

You don’t know how to screen record???

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Ehhh…Get a tutorial

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Wait…then how did you record video and upload to youtube??

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Teach me

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I don’t have time

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I always use pc

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