Get ready for Wallpaper Warrior! (new idea)

Hello :wave: Sweezians! I present my latest and not greatest idea yet, lets get into it!

Name: Wallpaper Warrior
Type: Webby :spider_web:
Catchphrase: “come at me, I dare, Im your whole screen!”
Description: At the dawn of the creation of Google wallpapers, Wallpaper Warrior emerged, lurking the endless choices, ruthlessly working to take down and put up new wallpapers to the users’ glee. Now all he wants is freedom.
Image: a color and design changing rectangle with a sword and shield

Cool! Voted !

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Rarity common


Yo Hatred Stop Coming on Here and Using that dirty Language Just for attention.


yeah amazing

i saw good boy on a another post can he just go away

bro hatred

i vote too i love the idea,
although what is the raity?

The rarity is Common,he said up there!

this is a certified hood classic.


@GalaxyGang assemble!

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Avengers! Assembleeee!

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Ekran Goruntsu 2024-08-31 6.34.AM

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3:69 :moyai:

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