Google Translate Monster

Name: Translatsterr
Status: Legendary Browsarr
Phrase: Translate or dieeee
Origin: Born in the murky depths of Google Translate, Translatsterr roams around Google Translate’s WebPage throwing random, gobbledygook words in everyday translations.

You got my vote ^^


Thank you!

Your welcome

When It pops up make it look like Dora the Explorer and saying “Hola, catch me if you can” :rofl: :rofl:

Sure! Great idea, _Legweak!


I can’t do the picture tho. Sadly

It ok :ok_hand:

PLS PLS PLS everyone try to get it to 20 votes! THANK YOU

Image 19-9-2024 at 17.51

Ok :+1:

Hopefully you like this! I got this idea when I was using Google Translate to translate funny languages for my little brother. And it seemed like gobbledygook! So, the Google Translatserr Monster is Born (from my brain…) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

got my vote