Guys if you like this go to new monster ideas and vote for it there

Name: Rookie
Crush: Uncommon/Rare
Type: Iconix/Oddballz
Catchphrase: The ROOK!!!
Description: Rookie is a rook from chess that always looks for a challenge. Although originally from chess, Rookie is still looking for more and more fights, eventually ending up in the Bro Mon World! A formidable foe indeed!

(Dont mind that I accidently put this in wild zone)




I LOve chess , and i am very good at it

@Rmani this isn’t supposed to be in The Wild Zone it is supposed to be in New Monster Ideas

yeah i relized that

im going to put it there rq

how do you do that?

idk how

go to new monster idea and click on the new rookie and vote for it there!
