Guys this is embarrassing but how to one box?

I’m not sure about this but I will try!

Step 1:Copy a link of a website or whatever you want to share with others!

Step 2:Post it so others can see!

Step 3:The link you posted need to display like this!

Not this:
Dog with chocolate fur
Or this:

Step 4:Check your avatar on upper right corner!
If there’s number 1 inside a blue circle then you got it!

Step 5: Enjoy your new badge!

Use GrassPhotoshopper’s ability

Ok? I remember da idea tho

Sorta tho

Copy Paste…

Oh k

Oh no

New Bromon Idea Chocodog


if you want this to be added into the game thn PLEASE VOTE!

Here’s another tutorial

It’s a quick one so no picture

This is for mobile right?

  1. Go to the topic
  2. Scroll down to the place that there’s the reply button
  3. Click the “Share” button
  4. Click the blue button
  5. Go to another topic that’s not the topic you want to share
  6. Paste and then post it

Ye thx!

  1. Go to the topic you want to share
    (What topic ever you want)

  2. Scroll down to the place that there’s the reply button

  3. Click the “Share” button

  4. Click the blue button

  5. Go to another topic that’s not the topic you want to share
    (What topic ever but should be in a topic for spam or this topic)

  6. Click the reply button to paste and then post it

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