@hatred who he is

Guys I just came to notice and found out who hatred is. I told my school friend about this bro-mon game and I saw his sweeezy account and it was named hatred5…

I cant really stop him from doing this to the community cause he is not a good friend of mine. I just told him about this game. If you want to know his name it is (Dhanvin)

I know his account password though XD. He forgot to unsave it in his saved passwords

I know his laptop password

So i found it out in his saved passwords in settings, in chrome

Im such a master mind and genius :smiley:

Hey @UNKNOWN, thanks for being our community detective! :man_detective: But don’t stress too much about tracking down the culprits—every time they pop up, we’ll be there with the ban hammer. Let’s leave the banning to us and keep things fun around here! You’ve got enough Bro-Mons to catch without worrying about the trolls! :smile:

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thank you for your serivce!
you were very useful in tracking down hatred’s account info as he is a very very bad guy.

We will continue ban hammering the evil people dont worry

tell me his password :smiley:

im wanna troll him :smiley: