Heres a new bro-mon idea: ROSE [DONE]

rarity/ cruch: Legendary
phrase/catchphrase: slipping right through your hands!
preferred type: wildify
Description: under the sea, Rose swims happily as her friends swim alongside her. she may be adorable but this axolotle can pack quite the punch! idea suggested by @Annabelle_Roy
appearance: an axolotle with some bright pink and some more pink

hope you like it!

Imma vote




hey do you have anyideas for the description or preferresd type?

Type should be :herb: wildify


I can think of a smaller catchprase

yes pls!

im new here so thats why

Slipping right through your hands!

i love it thanks so much!


do you have a idea for descreption im bad at this LOL :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’m trying to think of one


id you dk its ok

if i meant

I’ll try anyway