Hey guys, I'm back! SophiaBeifong the Cloudphant

@everyone !! I’m backkk!!!

yay help us

what’s happening? (i still seeing my notifications lol)

@TheGettinBannedDude is bad

yes, he is very bad

he’s here

Welcome back :cloudphant: :raised_hands:


thanks! I cant leave out for too long :tbh_creature_yippee:


I’m Glad :smile:

oh and also, @sweezy , what are these things:
Screenshot 2024-08-05 16.07.02

I dunno sweezy got a purple cat one

I’ve added a new flair for Leaders, marked with a star! You can now place this flair next to your avatar. Here’s how to do it on our forum:

1 Go to your profile: Click on your avatar at the top right and then on your username.
2 Profile settings: Click on the gear icon to go to your preferences.
3 Flair: Find the ‘Flair’ section.
4 Select your flair: Choose the Leader (trust level 4) flair with the star and set it as your title.

If you need any help, just let me know!


wow! so cool

@sweezy what’s the purple cat

like you have

Admin? Idk

yeah Prob

sweezy is the admin

I just love cats, so I added a cat-themed flair for myself as the admin. :pusheen:

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me too I have a cat

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