Hey guys! im new :)

hello!!! im new and i joined this community for fun. can someonee tell me if this community is worth my time?


not really worth it theres arba members that dont work fairly and defends uncivillized community members.

oh what?

It’s so worth it bro!

dont listen to ratberry, he complains a lot

Bro… you fine?..

he is mad that he got caught

Yeah Im a member of A.R.B.A now so watch out! Ratberry is a cyber-bully just ignore him

maybe we need see through his perspective too


Ok this has gone too far now…

I dare say stop now or there may be problems around these parts…

whats happening?!

Oh nothing too big…

maybe i wouldnt if people here arent so messed up?!!!

People here arent messed up…

Welcome everyone here apart from Ratberry is nice

…stop please…

I recommend you to stay on here for just a little time a day. It won’t worth if you stay too long