Hey guys! im new :)

Welcome everyone here apart from Ratberry is nice

…stop please…

I recommend you to stay on here for just a little time a day. It won’t worth if you stay too long

ppl being a sick creep in my dms. ppl not even caring and being srs when i said abt it. ppl calling us failures? arba members threatening? mecha still being the basic mean mecha? yeah sure! this coomunity is the best i could ever ask for :slight_smile:

im gonna stop bcuz why not.

Just ignore it… ARBA cant ban you even if they tried… and ill be your lawyer…

ill take that as a comfort comment :slight_smile:

it is a “no need to worry” comment…

whats happening…? :000000

Oh nothing to worry about…

DOGE!!! (UR PFP IS SO CUTEE) YAYAYAYAYY!!!AAAAAsosrgueqihwkfekldas

…Uh thanks… just changed it

hmm? oh… ok… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

wait then what was ur pfp before i kinda forgot

and anyways… any fun topics that is worth checking out?

i have one

bro. that isnt fun topics, that your topics wanting more votes… fun topics are likes chats of specific chars or just roleplay.

thats a bit rude ratberry :emojigolem_crying:

Not true…