How to Format Posts with Markdown

Hey there! Want to make your posts stand out in the Sweezy Community? Learning how to format posts with Markdown can make your content more engaging. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Basic Formatting:

Bold: Use **bold** or __bold__ to make text bold.

Italics: Use *italics* or _italics_ to italicize text.

Strikethrough: Use ~~strikethrough~~ to strike through text.

  1. Lists:

Unordered Lists: Use - or * for bullet points.

• Example:

  • Item 1

Ordered Lists: Use numbers followed by a period.

• Example:

1. Item 1

  1. Links:

• Create a link with [link text](URL).

• Example: Sweezy Community

  1. Images:

• Embed images with ![alt text](URL).

• Example: Sweezy Community Logo

  1. Blockquotes:

• Use > to create a blockquote.

• Example:

This is a quote

  1. Code Blocks:

• Inline code: Use backticks code.

• Code blocks: Use triple backticks ``` for multi-line code.

  1. Horizontal Lines:

• Create a horizontal line with ---


  1. Tables:

• Create tables using pipes | and hyphens -.

| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Cell 1   | Cell 2   |

• Example:

Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1 Cell 2

  1. ** Spoilers:**
    • Use [spoiler]text[/spoiler] to hide text until clicked.

• Example:
This is a text.

By mastering Markdown, you’ll make your posts more readable and visually appealing. Happy formatting! :memo: