How to Set a Custom Avatar in Sweezy Community (Discourse)

Hey there! Want to personalize your profile with a custom avatar (pfp) in Sweezy Community? It’s super easy! Follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to Your Account:

• Make sure you’re logged into your Discourse account.

  1. Go to Your Profile:

• Click on your avatar at the top right corner.

• Select your username to access your profile.

  1. Access Preferences:

• Click on the gear icon in your profile to go to your Preferences.

  1. Navigate to the Profile Picture Section:

• In the Preferences menu, click on the Account section.

• Scroll down to find the Profile Picture section.

  1. Upload Your Custom Avatar:

• Click on the pencil icon next to your current avatar.

• Select Upload Picture from the options.

• Choose a file from your device and upload your custom avatar.

  1. Adjust and Save:

• Adjust the cropping if needed.

• Click Save Changes to update your profile picture.

And there you go! You now have a custom avatar that represents you in the community. If you run into any issues or have questions, feel free to ask in the forums. Happy customizing! :rocket: