Hp Bug Or Game Feature?

I found a bro-mon but my Scribblion started on low hp! Is that a bug or a game feature???

Probs bug i dunno sry

new update

they need down time now


This is very weird, did you spin any wheel in the start of the battle? If yes, this probably the problem here. But if you didn’t spin the wheel, could you please take an screenshot, because isn’t a game feature, its probsbly a glitch/bug.

Anyway, hope this never happens again with you!

oh, this is the new feature of bro mon

they just updated it. @sweezy posted explaining it.

I did not spin a wheel of any kind and I just started on 5 hp.

My current solution is just switching to Mr.Troll since he’s the only other epic Bro-mon I have.

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Ask @sweezy

It is an update,Sweezy explained

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Ok :+1: