New Bro-Mon Update: Version 1.11.0 – Health Recovery, Monster Spawns, and Buff Fixes!

Hey Bro-Mon trainers! We’ve just rolled out a brand new update, and it’s packed with exciting new features and improvements! :enchfrog:

In Version 1.11.0, you’ll find:

• Health recovery after battles :adhesive_bandage:

• Increased monster spawns during browsing :space_invader:

• Buff fixes to improve your battle strategy :crossed_swords:

Check out the full details in our latest Changeblog: Bro-Mon Changeblog v1.11.0

Get ready for smoother battles and more fun as you browse the web! Let us know what you think about the new update and happy hunting!



Yay! I’m just so happy about this new update (I unfortunally cant test some of these because i already have all of them), can’t wait for the next update with new monsters!!

THIS PATCH IS GONNA BE LIT :fire: :fire: :speaking_head:


It is kinda uncomfortable for me because the regen problem and the more spawn is not equal together…now I understand why is there a “Leave battle” button,He decided an update to use with this button

And by the way,how much times do we need to full regen health?


Yay for wat?

IT TOOK 12 HOURS FOR MY SWEEZIANS TO REVIVE! oh my gosh. BUT I still like this!

Did you just online 24/24 to see it?Or you just comeback at 12 hrs later and then you said this?

NO. I was onlin 12 hours

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just to see what would happen? is that a problem

yoooooo new updateee :smiley:

Ya- oh I’m not gonna play Bromon by december- :pensive: but yay new update

Now i think there will be a resting animation for the bro-mon who lost all their health… like “0/40 health left”
