Huge problem! how could you do this to meeeeeeeee

I’m… Icelandic :moyai:

I’m Georgian :moyai:

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I’m… eating fish for no apparent reason :moyai:

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only real ppl like fish like me :moyai:

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only Nordic countries like fish like me

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@Moin = :goat: :chad: :moyai: Then

oh sorry: ( I didn’t know your cat died Rest in piece, hope you find something to motivate you in life again

I’m… Cantonese :moyai:

:moyai: :moyai:

i have a question


@AyoBird Can you see me?

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whoever types in this topic first is đồng tính nam

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I’m… A croissant


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Sad piano music in the rain starts

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I wish i had a cat :frowning:

i would love to have a cat but i cant (don’t ask me why because i’m not gonna answer)

:frowning: Im litterally a cat- (People mistake me for a fox for some reason.)


I also thought you were a fox :skull: .Because the ear is too high that is look more like a fox than a cat :frowning: