Huge problem! how could you do this to meeeeeeeee

WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BEAUTIFEL TOTORO WITH UMBRELLA AND MYTHICAL??? WHY DOES HE HAVE PECS??? HE SUPPOSED TO BE FAT WHY IS HE UGLLYYYYYY :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
Screenshot 2024-08-09 220500

@sweezy how could you do this to me???

It looks cooool!

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@Catstrophe, It’s not supposed to be buff. It’s supposed to be a big chonky lovable umbrella holding beast

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Well you can’t do the exact thing because of copyright and the devs make it their own as it is their game, so I think it’s fine

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Of course it’s not the exact same thing but at least give him an unmbrella
or an ocarina


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And he not buff. H enot supposed to got those massive pecs

can you send me a picture of any new bromon you get? I’d like to know what the update is like because I just restarted and probs won’t get to see them for awhile

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And at least make him legendary or mythic, I was gonna use him for the rest of my life

yeah Totoro is largeeeeee

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Missing one tho soz


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Wait the bromon is fat but that’s the battle stance

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is that what mobile looks like

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who is colug

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Doug evolution

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