Huge problem! how could you do this to meeeeeeeee

what the bromon is that

His attack form is very simlar to your drawing


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Fair enough

I didn’t do my drawing well enough. maybe i just wanted him to be mythical

lol you didn’t draw that-

I kinda did using canva whiteboard but the other ones i use galactic ink


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lol I hope Sweezy draws my bro mon well!

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We don’t want him to end up like mine lol

Nah yours was drawn well!
(Better than Clouds blob lol)

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Clouds Grump was actually crazy wasn’t cute enough lol

lol who made it a blobfish tho-

Prob sweezy

스크린샷 2024-08-17 오후 7.23.54 +
스크린샷 2024-08-17 오후 7.24.36 =
스크린샷 2024-08-17 오후 7.24.05


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Maybe Sweezy will see this post? I hope so, but not to get your hopes up! :slight_smile:

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