I feel like people that requested a rarity change on bro-mon should get recognition

Everyone who requests a bro-mon that gets in gets it in the bro-mons bio and gets bro-mon master(unless there really unlucky) but with people like the guy that Got bro-mons rankings changed we got bro-mon master but that’s it… it takes work to do convinc SWEEZY to change his perspective on his creations and some of the bro-mon people have made are literally not made by them (BENDY,CATNAP AND MORE) so I feel that we should at least get like a “rarity change suggested by ______” in the bio. @sweezy

Actually,if we put that rarity change request credit inside…You see the card?It will be kinda long…I know you will say like “But it isn’t much words” but…with me…that credit is not really needed…

And if this actually gonna be add…I guess there will be a new menu…no…the…hmmm…like the card will be bigger,the extension will take more space…

there’s room for a small sentence down there

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Did you mean…

That sentence will be smaller probably

nah were the requested by @____ goes if is not a requested

What do you mean?

go to like monster catnap or something… in the description you’ll see requested or made by _____
if its not made by someone it could go there

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It will be kinda long not gonna lie