I Got My First Epic Today! :goggle_googler_battle:

I am so happy! :smiley:
I got Goggle Googler today!
I also got him with an uncommon! :joy:

In honor of This occasion, I will write an entire (unnecessary) description of Goggle Googler

Name: Goggle Googler
Rarity: Epic
Type: Browsarrr
Catchphrase: “Zooming in on the web’s wonders!”
Description: Born from a pixel glitch in a search bar, Goggle Googler wields magnifying glasses to unveil the internet’s secrets. A quirky sentinel of search, it turns every query into an adventure.


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Erk is legendarry now


It is still epic isn’t it?Check again I guess

I’ve came back to my computer and seen him run off the screen at least 4 times now I’m actually devastated

kyoshuke, MURASAKI! :1bromon: :1bromon: :1bromon: :1bromon: :1bromon:

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:red_circle: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :large_blue_circle: :pinched_fingers: :palm_up_hand: :purple_circle: :purple_circle: :purple_circle: :purple_square: :purple_square: :atom_symbol: :om: :star_of_david: :wheel_of_dharma: :yin_yang: :latin_cross::leo: :libra: :scorpius: :ophiuchus: :crystal_ball: :fireworks:

SAME either that or I go to refresh a page and it spawns after I’ve already clicked on refresh, it’s mocking me lol

fact: I got my first epic AFTER I got my first MYTHICAL XD

dude XD

Erm, it was originally Epic for awhile but if it is legendary? idk

It;s still epic

ik it is.