I have a new idea for new bromons

the first new bromon will be called the sandwitch and it will be a sand-wich
this bromon will be a legendary
the second will be a bettle with explodshions
and it will be calles the bombardier beetle the rarity will be a epic
and the final one will be a bunny called bubbles and it will be a rare and this idea was suggested by my friend pi

Need pic and crush

I mean a phrase and back story

Sadly I thought about this idea but I can’t draw… So I replaced with a mage

Hi guz, ima new

here is the sand-wich

and here is theback story for sand wich
born from a lunch box stranded at the beach the sand wich was born casting sand tornados destroying everything to get revenge to his owner for leaving him


Sand-witch, an original :moyai:


and here is the bombadire beetle

the backstory is merged by a wizard the bombadire beetle is a bombbeetle
with a boom it can destroy islands for fun

We can make this new bro mon special. The bro mon is shaped like a dragon, a mythic and it has the ability to breath out fire.

I dont have doug just the name. im 10 years old

it is ment to be a beetle but i am a terrible drawer

can u help with that

and i am ten to

Me too

sand wich forever and by the way im new

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