I just had my best bro-mon day!

I just had a great bro-mon day! Before this my best was an epic and today I got my favourite epic yet monster crafty corn, I got my first legendary which was orb chrome, and my first mythical catsrophe!

dude one day I cought the legendary and mythic in a week range but one day your lucky I don’t even have the epic

Wow! Good job bro-mon trainer!!

have tips on how to get Firewall Fenir?? I just lost!!!

Yeah it was a surprise for me too! And I actually normally have really bad luck so this is awesome!


Hi i dont actually have firewall fenir but to catch rare bro-mon I normally dont get the common ones i see because when you miss a bro-mon you get another one soon after, which might help you get firewall fenir!

There is no trick

You’re so lucky! I still have a rare as my best. lol