I kinda want to leave.... and/or be inactaive

you can’t even spell and ur still yapping

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stop being rude

“Can’t Spell”

Is there another problem there? What happened that led you both to fight? Please tell us so we can solve in Peace!

dawg it’s called slang

and you don’t even understand modern slang. lol


Don’t worry, she’s talking about someone else

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@BROMON_NOOB4 is being rude

and @activelysane323

Dang It I think everone needs to apoligize to each other

yea I wont Definetliy Like @BROMON_NOOB4 said

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noob kid likes foood


Krissy do u have Roblox?

i treat people the way they treat me. clearly someone did not have enough respect at the start.


“Respect others if you want they to respect you” - My teacher

Exact like what you said


well, this sucks


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Noob its fully your choice, i quit and uninstalled bromon for 3 months and came back.
theres nothing wrong with quitting even if its due to hate.
i know you might have said something lgbtq but im sure it was just supposed to be a joke. me personally i would 100% quit if a joke ruined my dignity on a fun chatting place. this is includes the people harassing this kid, why do you have to harass a kid to the point they are sad and want to quit? why? this kid is going through the grief unnecessary for his age. so noob its your choice if you wanna quit and hopefully the people harassing you would realize how bad its gotten

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