I kinda want to leave.... and/or be inactaive

I seriously dont get why you would do this to a LITERAL CHILD.
so if the people hating on you would stop you can 100% come back, just dont make jokes that people this generation would hate on you for.

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we are all children, and there’s 2 types of children. the ones who get bullied and the ones who are bullies. it is up to someone to make a stand and make it clear as to what is right and what is wrong. Just to clarify, he did not lose his dignity over the joke above, but rather a series of actions committed before you became active again (which can be seen by scrolling though older topics). i hope you understand the wider community’s concerns. I appreciate your effort to diffuse the situation, you are a good person, but this topic is clearly a guilt trick to mask his more recent unkind attititude towards certain members of the community. this was not meant to cause any offence or harm, @Air i understand your good intentions​:+1::+1:


i think we need @The_Mystery onto this case.

I Summon The_Mystery our saviour

well well well, who calls upon me at this time?


seems like there is some unwanted behaviour going on in the community. let me assess the situation. @activelysane323 and @Air and @BROMON_NOOB4 please do not chat with each other in this topic until everything is sorted.

hmm. i’m disappointed with some of you.

ok thats my fault i just didnt know what other actions he did

oh i do
im not adding anyone

corniest chat :skull:

What does “Corny” mean?


dad jokes basically

people being serious but not serious

why so serious