I need Doug but I don't see him

So… I was recently scrolling on Google to find Doug, my final Bro-Mon, But I didn’t see it anywhere! I scrolled through the sweezy cursors web, Didn’t see Doug anywhere! Is there anyway to fix this problem, @sweezy ?

Same! I need catastrophe and I cant find him @sweezy!

It doesn’t seem like a bug. It just will take some time to spawn as it is a mythical.

Doug is a Mythical bro-mon, so its spawn hate chances are lower than an rare, for example. They’re most common to appear when you are ending the game :wink:
But you can have the luck to find one and not ending the game: On my other account i find an Doug and I was with an AvoGator (I lost it).

Isn’t a problem that need to be fixed. I hope you find a Doug in the future :slight_smile:

I got Doug :smiley:

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