I need to learn historryyy!

Plz any old users tell me the history of dah communityy!!!




Keiana flashbacks*

I dont know much history but heres my history
I joined
Made my first post
Met these random guys(and ladies) @AyoBird(used to be Owlzy) @Firwallfenrir (possilby @SophiaBeifong ) and @cloud (Theres probably more people)
Trust level rose and enthusiast badge
General chat introduction! Yapped 1000 times
Made a dm who had too much yappichinos so it crashed my pc (Joke)
Invited to a dm that is now dead
Raided chats
Possibly started to post about roblox
Months later i became regluar, Keiana incident happened , ARBA (Anti rule breaking agency) was made, Changed location to walls to stay safe and much more!

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We got 2 wars

1st was the hatred wars of August. Many users were effected by the word of hatred 2.0 and hatred (both banned)

The 2nd war for copyright art was withe @TheBssimulator (@WarriorCats leader) and @activelysane323 (good person but maybe not to u) the war lasted a while during September

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In the future sweezy probably will have the first great sweezy outage

There was a 3rd great war between me and @Good_boy2494
The war was from December 6 2024 to today

Yea well peace war

Dogs vs cats war

Ceased cuz of frightening of an actual war that might happ accidentally

There was a few incidents(Most patched by arba)
1: the getting banned dude incident: This incident happend around october. Getting banned dude was defeated by arba and will be a piece of sweezy community history.
Keiana incident: Keiana wasnt banned just inactive but she was annoying and rude.

@Good_boy2494 name more incidents

Theres 2 inactive spots on me
1: Boat parade: i was inactive most afternoon on december 7.
2:Sickness 15:This inactiveness began December 15 I’m still sick but just posting more to prevent inactiveness.


Sry I accidentally added “forme” (hard to type on mobile) :sweat_smile:

The 2 wars were kinda just Annoying to me

Especially the @TheBssimulator vs @activelysane323 war