I understand what you mean. The topic about the bro coins, I literally said it wasn’t my idea. Also, I added bro upgrades which ethandazhao didn’t talk about yet he still closed it. About the ability ideas, I literally gave @cloud credit for the idea. Cloud proposed the idea of abilities and how they would work. But 1 thing cloud didn’t do was describe what abilities what bromon’s would have. in my topic, I listen a few bromons and gave some of them abilities. I also made a topic called abilities for each type which wasn’t for each bromon but for each type. This was done so it would be easier to make abilities for each bromon. It was also my most voted topic and even sweezy saw it but he doesn’t care and closes it. 50 Minutes of my hard work down the drain because of him. I’ve seen a billion ideas about PVP and they don’t get taken down but mine do? Also, it wasn’t even @cloud idea. Someone already had the idea very early when bromon was created. Cloud just copied it but added an image. Even though my ideas are unique, nobody cares.
Lol, i know, but, now that i think, i think the main part of that is by cloud, because, in one of the posts in that topic, sweezy published that they were thinking that each type will make that thing, basically, you just told the same that sweezy. Its taken down because one simple reason, because its the latest, and TheBssimulator probably didnt see it, and the reason is what you sayed, its a voted topic, and it was recently. And Cloud topic isnt closed to keep his memory alive, and people care about your ideas, if we dont, then how do you explain it has votes? You are important in the community, i will try to talk to him, ok? I dont promise anything.
And if you check, he did put that ability should be unique, but maybe you and me can work together so we can help him, i have some ideas already
Nice. I have already been working on a post that will have an ability for every bromon! I’ve only done 3 so far but I’m planning to do more today! I’m working on candy crawler right now so if you could help it would be nice!
Here is my topic
Also, I’m not trynna say that cloud stole my idea. But when I was in year 5, basically our whole grade started playing bromon secretly at school and none of the teachers knew for a while and I got an idea to make the game better which was abillites. I never shared it on the community cause I never knew they had a community but I started working on the idea at home and drawing it on paper!
Im Pancino, this is my alt
Replying bet.
Ok. Can you help me with the Candy Crawler Ability?
Of course, maybe it can be
Sweet Web
No like how it would work.
Oh, maybe it can trap de opponent and get him sticky
Maybe… My idea is for it to remove your oppenent’s buff for next battle.
Ohhhh, i think something else, well, in that case, it will be the same, like a penalty
Pancino, u need to be ARBA leader 4 sure
holy skill issue