I was lying about my age and my face reveal is fake. I mean the curtain one. Real one coming soon!

Yeah, I know. You are probably thinking, I am so weird and why the heck would I make a new one revealing… but… I just wanna make a new topic about it. SOOOO lets get to my age. I am fifteen, and i was saying im 10 so i get credit for childish behaviour, which ireally like. But i luv sarcasm and … yeah. I just wanna say im 15 years old. My Name is Rhinnie Xu im Asian and face reveal is this.

Me doing makeup before high school so i dont look like zombie.

PS blurred the background so that you cant see what my home looks like.

another fake…

Hohoho, you can never trust my face reveal!


Thats so mean

Maybe their photo is so popular that people want to buy them

“You never know is it true or not on social media.” ~ My mind

a face reveal is never a good idea. you dont know everyone on the community so just dont face reveal

Shesh your plans get revealed @Bubble you can’t trick us :grinning:
