I win the game! bro-mon

yay! First of many!

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nice, my main acc is on my Chromebook at school ( not this community account my bro-min one) so my profess will restart :frowning:


at least I got them all for now


but anyaways congrats

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If I win thatmeans that the wiki fandom has now every bro-mon :slight_smile:

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Wait u worrk at the wiki?

Yes, I added every single bro-mon on it

I couldve saved u so much time…

Im moissing only 3


Every time I found a new bro-mon, I added it to the fandom wiki. It was a really fun time :slight_smile: But now the Wiki has all the bro-mon and their list is complete. And stop to think that it all started when I decided to add Burger-Turtle to it. :smiling_face_with_tear:

my account is in my school cromebook at shcool am texting from it

can u please share the link to the wiki?

Yeah… But I ask that you do not edit it and put wrong information… As some are doing :pensive:

Do you have MystiXtension catchphrase? Becuse i really need it

I have it its “Extensions galore, endless explore!”

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ok I won’t edit it and put wrong information, thanks for sending it to me!