Ideas for a New Monster!

Name: XPBooster
Status: Epic
Origin: XPBooster was born in the heart of a Daily Quest in Duolingo, when a Duolingo User earned the last badge of daily quests completed! The internet and wifi went haywire, resulting in a x1000 XP boost for 365 days for all using Duolingo. Now, XPBooster roams around the Deep Caves of occasional daily quests, granting its epic boosts to all.

Name: NewsEyes
Status: UnCommon
Origin: NewEyes was born deep in the code of an article in Kidsnews, when the coder made a mistake and inserted an unknown BroMon code. Then, NewsEyes was born! Now, NewsEyes roams around KidsNews, looking for a Viral Article to Attack.

:smiley: nice idea!

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@sweezy please add these

I like the idea as well

Thanks everyone! Please vote, so we can get these added!