Ideas of bro-mon put here if i like it i will send it to a admin or someone that does with the community!?

Put it here guys cannot wait to see the new bro-mons!!

Yo! wsg, i just wanted to say that I had 2 new ideas, VOIDGAMER and MIDNIGHT MANATEE. so, would you mind sending those? Thanks!

sorry I accidentally flagged ur post as off topic bc I didn’t realise what this topic was about, but here is what you said @UnChat, and @Soh_Wei_Lun please see it!:

Yo! wsg, i just wanted to say that I had 2 new ideas, VOIDGAMER and MIDNIGHT MANATEE. so, would you mind sending those? Thanks!


also as a sorry i will vote for both ideas


£o4z i would rty to send these to them but it might not make it on offical bro mon because th devs is pretty busy i would say

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Hi Guys

Devs i think this should be a bro mon a clock tower with short hands sticking out rareity epic and type you u can make it and Name: Time tower

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Its also ok if you i think they wouldnt put it up but you’ll never know and everything helps so we can make this a community for new bro-mons!!!

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And guys its okay if you forget but lets us like to spread kindess.

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Thanks for your kindness

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ok tysm

Ty for the tips:)

how will you send to admins

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Credits by FluxTombo84

I will try to contact them in here in so me of the groups

some of the groups i meant