Ideas of bro-mon put here if i like it i will send it to a admin or someone that does with the community!?


ahhhh my brain hurts- the community is sooo popular now! So many new users i can’t keep up with it all

surely someone can send my 2 ideas to an admin? rage-adile and midnight manatee

Thank you for the commemoration

Wait you know we can just send it to the admin ouraelves right?

We posted at the e aamw time lol

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ye XD


Also i draw on mediba d

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ok ill will think about it



Guys rerember to post new bro mon i deas here because theres no new bro mons that i se for these couple of few days

Creits to the person

HI i reccently making some of my artworks better hopefully sweezy will aprove it.

The pink panther but more animal like with a black hat. Type:FanFave

Epic,rare or Legendary. They choose.

mine is a mythycal its a chila and type fanfave name box boo descriphion you swezzy can degsin the de

sc animathion and phrase and only improve my drawing