Ideas of bro-mon put here if i like it i will send it to a admin or someone that does with the community!?

mine is a mythycal its a chila and type fanfave name box boo descriphion you swezzy can degsin the de

sc animathion and phrase and only improve my drawing

ill try

@Soh_Wei_Lun do you even have contact with admins bc the only admin rn is @sweezy


yeah and Iā€™ll never become an admin because that isnā€™t possible since Iā€™m not a part of the official sweezy team

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ll try to contact them.

As I know,Currently,this community contain many people from different countries on the World!Andā€¦I donā€™t see anyone that usually contact with Sweezy,the people that may contact much with Sweezy is Moderators.But not really,as Sweezy said to just make a topic about the idea,then it will be add!As I see,he(Actually maybe they) said will try their best to add all ideas into the gameā€¦And you know,thereā€™s many ideas!Soā€¦Just wait!

Itā€™s a he

Just saying

: ) yay!!!

Ok i try to contact the Moderators.

They would see butā€¦Kinda bother them right?