If ur a leader then join here


no w


You aren’t a leader, you just have the regular badge, but leader and regular badges are diferent sorry

I know but read it I did not ask if i was a leader

I read but it doesn’t make sense: You created a post where only leaders can be, but you aren’t a leader so you can’t be here…
anyway srry

okay but i let people who i feel like should be leader who aren’t to be here not me tho

and its my topic im not alowed in my topic that doesen’t make sennse so i can be here


can u join me in minecraft ed

i don’t have minecraft ed i already said that sorry i would play if i had

oh ok

helo helo
@every rizzler here

U aint leader lol


How do you Even Become a Leader?

um. @SophiaBeifong tell her

Reason: Not created by mod (Kinda ironic if u think abt it

me what?

why close it?