If you were trapped in a room with no food or water for 1 day, what 2 bromons will you bring with you to survive

emoji golem to eat and wa- IM NOT A CANIBLE


Doug and BrrBlaze because Doug is magical and BrrBlaze is made of ice cream

burger turtle for food and zoombie bwcuase he can call for help


Caffeinimator and Burger-Turtle

Burger-Turtle to stay awake and not be hungery

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caffinator and crumble crunch

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Doug and Cloudphant

Doug and Cloudphant, they will help me, Doug because he can fly and make me more confident and Cloudphant because he will make me smile in the most difficult times. Doug is a mythical with incredible strength and Cloudphant has such kindness that leaves anyone uplifted and smiling!
In terms of Survival, Doug has the ability to fly and can take me into the air on top of his shaggy fur, Cloudphant also has his ability to fly and can bring food to me because since he has his “rare” rarity, he is already able to beat some food type bro-mon

Just look at the faces of these two bro-mons! Aren’t they cute?

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um what the sigma

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cloudphant for water and frosty buddy for food

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sushi serpant and splashy

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splashy and bearoni bearoni, cause i love pizza and splashy is my drink

deoxys speed form and milcery strawberry flavor.


end of discussion

you cant fly though, your in a room

all i need is enchfrog cus enchfrog fairy. if you have brain than free food

well you still have another bromon to bring, so i’d do enchfrog and frosty buddy, as frosty buddy also provides cold, food, and ice (or water), and you could ask enchfrog for anything after that.

oh yeah

cloudphant because it can give me water stegosnack because food also to break out

the sweezians
they’ll mine the walls for me
and carry me for traveling :sunglasses:

oh yeah btw, wb water?