IM BACK! Auroraptor bromon [DONE]

Name: Auroraptor
Type: Cosmic
Crush: Mythical
Slogan: Where cosmic lights meet raptor swiftness!
Description: Born from the mystical northern lights, Auroraptor combines the wisdom of the stars and the agility of a raptor. This luminous Pokémon guides and protects with its radiant feathers and powerful strikes, a beacon in the night sky.

It took me quite a while to design this, so please no hate… :slight_smile:

i accidentally wrote pokemon… my bad guys

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Say, could thee change thy’s profile plesen. It makes thee want to not place an eye upon thy’s profile.

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And by the way, I like thy’s idea. Very well done Mr. Ryan.

:)))) yippee!

I shall now cast my vote upon you.

my honour appreciates thee

please vote everyone

Now I tell you to get a good picture for a profile.

Now here is a better picture. I am serious

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Now change it to that please


hello i am mikeel jockson

my little pony from ohio

Bro moonwalk to draw ideas


The drawing looks like a pokemon



it does, took inspiration from it