I'm creating bro-mon images if you don't know how to do

how abote light yagami from death note

please share me the idea

Its a bro mon that is a book tittleled death note

I never watched Death Note srry

@SophiaBeifong could you redo the art for rockrumbler? Thanks :smiley:

just a book that says death note that has eyes

I can try

Hummm… Okay i’ll do too


Ty :D. I’ll put it in the topic afterwards

Bro-mon only (11)

I need it’s name

Nice definitely gonna put in topic :grin:

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Walter white taco

Please share ur idea

dog pizza pls

Bro-mon only (10)

What is bro-mon’s name?


@SophiaBeifong could you draw a sleeping cat made of cotton candy? call it :CottonCandy Cat
(im making a new bro-mon with thus no one copy :rage:

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Okay i’ll make it, nice idea!