I'm creating bro-mon images if you don't know how to do

no, no, i was talking about the sans idea…
I love your idea! Its amazing!!

Oh, Thanks!

Bro-mon only (11)

It looks amazing!

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baller is the name and also heres what he looks like

The name of the bro-monster idea is baller too??

Hey Sophia, I was thinking, maybe we could change a few parts on the Morpho deer?

like what

maybe make the skin white and the horns gold

sure i’ll try


hey what’s the name of it (the bro-mon name)?

I made it based on the demon of death note
Bro-mon only (12)

Do one for my bro-mon MegaBite it has a big mouth and big teeth search it

how about the eyes and the head format, how do you want?

Hmm idk but like medium sized head and you can choose the eyes

Link :

tks @SophiaBeifong

yo that is hot

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