I'm Quitting. At least for now

In the next however long, I will be taking a break from Sweezy Community. I will likely come back until after v1.14.0 is released but for now I am quitting. I will state 3 reasons below on why I am making this descision.

1 - Unfairness
The first reason I am quitting is unfairness. You may have seen some topics like new rarity divine or rebirthing to bromon. These are some of the reasons that I am quitting. These topics get so many votes for absolutely no reasons. If you go to the topic, it literally doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t say how it works what it would do or even the name! Despite these facts, they get so many votes and I’ve seen some get up to 10! So many people in the community put so much effort into 1 topic (such as me) and yet they barely get any votes. But some people get so many votes for this?! Unfair if you ask me. Also, so many people copy people’s ideas even though they shouldn’t be. And for some reason they’re topics get to stay up?! Massive L for them.

2 - Time Being Wasted

In total, I’ve probably spent a total of 2 hours of just making sweezy community topics. The only reason that I do this is to perhaps get noticed by @sweezy and even get my idea added to the game so it can become enhanced! But take a guess on how much of that time has been for absolutely nothing, 71 MINUTES! Yes, I have spent, 71 FRICKING MINUTES of my time getting wasted. This was caused by the one and only @TheBssimulator ! This guy does not give a crap how much time I put into my topics he will just close them. Despite me putting credit and other people stealing so many ideas he has to close mine! The one and only topic that I had that got noticed by @sweezy and got above 12 votes got taken down by him. I swear, nobody cares how much effort I put into my work they’ll just take it down to make it suffer. You guys need to use your brains for once.

3 - PhantomStylist014

I’ve seen so many great pieces of music wrote by my fellow comrades of the sweezy community and for some reason their music doesn’t get shown in the blogs of bromon. I’ve even seen fabulous art been designed by them! But for some reason, the one piece of music that gets added to bromon is literally A.I generated. This was created by the one and only PhantomStylist014! I’ve previously made a topic on this and FOR SOME REASON, I GET A.R.B.A STRIKED?! This has to be the most rigged piece of crap I’ve ever seen in this community. And of course when he created it, until I told everyone that he A.I generated it, THEN he admitted that he did A.I generated the music like everyone already knew.

In conclusion, I won’t be active in Sweezy Community for the next however long till v1.14.0 gets added. This community has made me wasted so much beloved time that I have had and not a single person cares. Till then, peace.

no dont go

  • Stay
  • Goodbye!(Leave this)
  • Its all up to my mind
0 voters


Good choice! Even I can’t do that!


Im sorry to see you go :frowning: i think everyone is

1 Like

so true

don’t leave tho

@TheBssimulator i think he is right, close also topics that are copyrighted if you close his

give me links pls