Introduce yourself!

Introduce yourself here! I’ll go first:
I live in Christchurch, NZ
My favorite color is blue
My favorite food is burger and fries
I am 12 years old
I have a dog named DouDou (pronounced dodo) and a lizard called Beauty


im not mentally ok
I’m 15
I have the cutest dog in the world named Patch and he cures my health :))
I live in Columbus OH but was born in Reykjavík, Iceland

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I live in Brazil
My favorite color is yelow
My favorite food is pasta and chocolate
I am 11 years old (almost 12)
I have a dog named Lola, I had one dog named Meg (She is in my heart, I miss she so much), one hamster named Bob and one Fish named Lele (Yes Lele).
I love animals i love them i want study more about them
I like drawing a lot


I live in san salvador

my favourite color is lime

my age will remain anonymous

I once had 3 parrots, 1 named Sprite (Cause of death: he picked on the metal in his cage and accidentally stabbed his throat in the process, it happened in the morning), another one named Mystic (Cause of death: Unknown, likely a sickness, died in the night) and one named Zeta, in english it’s “Mushroom” (Cause of death: Unknown, probably same as mystic)

I also had 1 dog, “Melcocha” who unfortunatley died of old age, and a fish (cause of death: Unknown because i don’t remember)

I love minecraft and drawing things

I wish to be a hydrologist or a coffee producer in the future


I wanna play football

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i don’t really like football…

but its the worlds game…

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i don’t care

well it doesn’t matter if you don’t like it because I do :))